Michelle & Tim are married June 3rd, 2023 Michelle 和 Tim 將於 2023 年 6 月 3 日舉辦婚禮

Distance never separates us


We've been too busy (or more likely too lazy) to sit down and build a registry.

Instead of getting us a wedding gift though, we ask that you consider donating to our friend's charity and encourage your friends and family to do the same. You can find the donation link below:




A Cure for Violet

Travel Info

From Taoyuan airport (TPE): Taxi is the easiest and reasonably-priced way to get to Taipei. There is a taxi info station as you exit the baggage claim area. The cost should be around ~1400 NT Dollars. For a cheaper option, you can take the Taoyuan Airport MRT to Taiwan Main Station for ~150 NT Dollar. Try to take the purple Express train as it'll be much faster.

From Taipei Main Station: You should be able to get to where you need by taxi for a few hundred NT dollars. If you prefer to take MRT, you can get to the wedding by taking the Blue line toward Nangang, and get off at Zhongxiao Xinsheng station (2 stops). To get to Shangrai-La hotel, continue on the Blue line to Zhongxiao Fuxing station. Transfer to the Brown line toward Taipei Zoo Station, and get off at either Technology Building or Liuzhangli station. (Metro Map)

Hotel options:


從桃園機場 (TPE):出發:計程車是前往臺北最簡單且價格合理的方式。當您離開行李提取區時,有一個計程車等候區。車費大約在 ~1400 新台幣左右。如需更便宜的選擇,您也可以乘坐桃園機場捷運到臺北車站,只需約 150 新台幣。建議可以搭乘紫色特快列車,因為它會快得許多。



Celebrate With Us

Click here to RSVP

We have friends and family around the world, and while we'd love to see everyone in person, we fully understand that it's difficult for many to physically attend the wedding.

We nonetheless hope that you will celebrate with us where ever you may be.

If you'd like to participate virtually, please send us a video message that we will splice together and play at the reception. Please keep the video at ~30sec to 1 min and use landscape orientation. If the file size is less than 50MB, email us at the address below. If it's larger, you can upload to the shared Google Drive or reach out to make separate arrangements

You can reach out to us at [email protected] or through any other contact mechanism. We'd love to hear from you!





如果您想虛擬參與,請向我們發送祝福視頻,我們將會把視頻拼接在一起並在婚宴上播放。請將視頻保持在 30 秒到 1 分鐘之間,並保持橫向攝影。如果檔案大小小於 50MB,請通過以下地址給我們發送電子郵件。如果更大,您可以上傳到共用的 Google Drive 或聯繫我們另行安排

您可以通過 [email protected] 或通過任何其他聯繫方式與我們取得聯繫。我們很樂意聽取您的意見!

Site template heavily borrowed and adapted from https://www.judieandz.com/

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